Los Amados. :)Means "Sweathearts". niiiice.
the past caught up with me in los amados.
Los Amados
The Daedalus Project
check it out.
Merchant classy
I was thinking that the Merchant Class could have an option to be a crafting-only class.
So people who don't want to be involved in combat but enjoy making and selling stuff could be an integral part of the universe. The option to do missions that involve combat would be open but not required. I have no idea how difficult it would be to do this. Extremely difficult, I would guess.
Of course the Merchant who wants a little more excitement could ease into the dark side and participate in the Blackmarket. This would require combat of course...;)
Hey, those n00bz aren't gonna pwn themselves, as they say.
Out of the Past
However, in my noir mmo (just like in this and numerous other cool-azz films) the past always catches up to you.
How would this work?
Here's what I'm thinking:
At some pre-determined level (say level 40/80), a person from your past suddenly shows up and of course has something on you. Depending on how you've played the game so far (on a scale of coldblooded vs. sweetheart) determines how the next series of missions is constructed. For instance, you've chosen to play a Mob character and your mother shows up @ lvl 40 and you've been a sweetheart. She may be like Tony Soprano's mother and demand you to kill everyone at X location. Say you've been a coldblooded murdering fiend, when your mother shows up she only wants 1 guy roughed up a little, and you can't kill anyone at X location.
Who shows up could also be a random roll. As a Mob character there would be 3 possible persons from Out of the Past; your Ex-girlfriend Janice, your mother Eunice, or Tommy 2-Tone, an ex-business partner.
If you were playing a different race, it would be 3 other possible folks from your emerging back story.
All of this hinges on the 1 absolute fact about Los Angeles: Nobody is born here.
So everyone starts the game by getting off the bus in L.A. (or whatever the city name will be). But there is no better name for Los Angeles than Los Angeles.
It Builds 'Character'
In WoW, there are 6 or 7 face templates to choose from for each race, a few hairstyles, etc.
I think this would work to a degree in a Noir universe, but limit the styles to the times. In other words, there would not be a 'Farrah Fawcett' hairstyle, etc.
But the face should be fully customizable.
Apparently Star Wars Galaxies' customization even included arm/leg length, and many other options that make WoW seem quaint and under-developed.
Even Vanguard's character/armor models are much more graphically pleasing, but you can only enjoy it at 50% the fps of WoW, after it 'pops' in, and only until it freezes your computer.
So how much does character customization affect frames per second? I have no idea.
The real question is, "How much character customization would you sacrifice to run your game smoothly?"
What I can see happening is this:
Noir is such a "genre" niche that the tendency would be to start creating archetypes (i.e. Femme Fatale, Guidos, Bogarts, Irish Cops, Scrawny Stoolies). Maybe ok as unimportant NPCs, but not as you.
But at the same time, would there be a huge loss if you couldn't give your character surrealistically long arms?
I think... yes. There should be long arms.
Of course.
Heavy Duty!
(It's a blast-try it).
How does this relate to my Noir MMO?
It's a great discussion/series of questions that show the creative process in managing a class in relation to other classes.
Have a read.
A Heavy Problem
Lemme know what you think.
How are you fixed for Red Points?
I finished re-reading Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammett for the 4th time. Love it, clearly.
Interesting thing is this: I still get the people involved confused. I don't even know if the story makes a whole lotta sense, actually. But it's so hard-boiled and poisonous I don't care.
The crux is Old Man Elihu wants his corrupt little mining town back from the gaggle of gangsters who have taken it from him. Our Continental Op from San Francisco comes to clean house and gets a little dirty doing it.
For most MMO's the quests are "Go here, kill 8 [blank], bring their heads to [blank], choose reward."
The fun in that is the technique with which the killing is done. Race, class, and talent allocations can vary immensely and reflects your play style.
Our Op in Red Harvest stays just far enough ahead of the opposition to keep alive and keep his job. Barely. But he stays ahead of his readers as well. So when he reveals the "whodunit" we're just as surprised as everybody else in the story.
How would that work in a game format that usually has no 'cut scenes'? Could you add cut scenes? Are cut scenes interesting enough to warrant the larger file sizes? And when you have a game (or server) update would you want to have to redo affected cut scenes?? No, no you wouldn't.
How do you have a cool "reveal" moment in a game when the audience IS the decision-maker?
Is there a Noir story without a "reveal"?
If you find one, lemme know.
Bass Akwards
I come up #2. Crazy. However, there are other people with interesting noirish ideas as well.
They may be worth checking out as well, after you've ingested everything from my site, including all 22 hours of music.
• A Korean Fist-fighting MMO: Noir-Online (youtube)
The official site is here.
• A Forum post by PhoenixTheOn: Here
• And my favorite article from Gamerony (Dec 2007): Game Noir
This is a great read.
Gee, maybe there could be 100k people interested in playing this game.
Marketing would be aimed at convincing some Hollywood types to make another L.A. Confidential;
starting a viral campaign, "Find the Fedora" (where people use their GPS phones to race each other to the tattered hat gently resting on the tattered porch of some crappy house on Ivar); and enigmatic ads with dark falcons sitting very still.
Could be fun.
For the Thrill of it
A whole helluva lotsa stuff for your perusal. Including web novels... I liked "Ace in the Hole",
but that's because I'm dirty inside.
And 1 million links. I counted.
Ben Hur, 1866
One nice gem from Edgar Allen Poe, the creator of the detective novel:
[a] tale, a species of composition which admits of the highest development of artistical power in alliance with the widest vigour of imagination.The site presently focuses on the Hard Boiled school, and has a nice number of related links, including Film Noir. Definitely worth checking out.
Framerate Cityscape
WoW runs ok on my laptop, but not in the main cities - Undercity and Orgimmar (that's right I play Horde...wanna fight about it?). My framerate can sometimes drop as low as 8 fps. That's unplayable unless you're crafting, chatting, or on the auction house.
Almost all quests in WoW are outside the cities, so rendering is greatly reduced. But in a noir game nearly everything would happen in-city. And people should be able to play and have fun on a computer system a few years old. So the game would have to be massively instanced. (For those of you who don't know what "instances" are, basically it's a specified area that loads especially for you or your group. Other players/groups that come into that area get their own "instance" independent from yours. This means that your computer only renders the NPCs and players in your group, not the 10 million other players in the area).
Apparently other games like EverQuest didn't do instances, and so your group might run into another group in a dungeon and so you would have to fight/figure out which group got to continue and kill the main baddie.
You don't want your game to be playable to only those with the fastest/best/most expensive computers...you want people to play who use their computer for other things beside avoiding real life.
But at the same time, if you make everywhere instanced, what's the point of it being an mmo? You can't really interact with anyone. You might as well make a single player game with a mutiplayer component like GTA IV.
Sony Online Entertainment has a game coming (actually by some of the guys who made EverQuest) called The Agency, which I'm looking forward to that may deal with these very issues. We'll have to see...
In a Noir kind of Mood
brings out two movies she "hasn't seen yet"... Asphalt Jungle and Kiss Me Deadly. Woo!
So, clearly I realized I was in love with this girl. Lucky, since we're married.
All this Noir talk had gotten her in the mood to see some great gritty flicks.
You may have noticed the "Quote of the Week" update...one of the little gems from Kiss Me Deadly
(Velda seems to get the great lines).
So I wanted to post something...not a "Review" of the film, but a pervasive concept I think needs to be in my noir mmo. And that is "escape".
*Spoiler Alert*
In one of the endings of Kiss Me Deadly, Mike Hammer (Ralph Meeker) and Velda (Maxine Cooper) get out of the house a few seconds before it erupts in flames... and there they are struggling in the surf and the credits roll. The problem is, the 'box of doom' that has been opened is connected to 'The Manhattan Project', 'Los Alamos' (This is a great line too where Wesley Addy says 'I'm gonna say a few words...they're just a bunch of letters', etc).
This means they haven't escaped anything...the whole western seaboard hasn't escaped. L.A., San Francisco, San Diego...over. The effort to escape the house is of course entirely fruitless.
The other ending has them merely limp out of the room before the explosion/The End.
The first ending is better because it embodies the fruitless struggle of humanity...we try as hard as we can to scrape by...and for what? As Jim Morrison says, "No one gets out of here alive".
So how does this relate to my noir mmo idea?
Obviously we can't have people die at the end of every mission.
But maybe there's a way to have NPCs provide heavy existential motivation. For Mike Hammer, it was the demise of his good friend Nick (Va VaVoom!) the local mechanic (who seems an inspiration for Roman Bellic, your cousin in GTA IV).
I think NPCs have come a long way in providing emotional motivations for the player...for single-player games. Not sure yet if mmo's quite pull it off.
From the Comments
- Ted Fisher said...
So here's my thought:
"Film Noir" as we understand it today really comes out of the European directors and cinematographers and screenwriters who came into the Studio System and brought a different worldview and a different film style with them. So in a way it might be fair to say "Noir" and "Southern California" are really in opposition to some degree: while we've seen depictions of 1930s - 1940s SoCal in a "Noir" style, those who lived there in that period would likely have thought in other visual terms. (What comes to my mind is the American Regionalism / American Scene Painting style.)
So it could be interesting to use opposed styles -- one view that has the golden light Southern California really has, even if filtered through a lonely Hopperesque take, and another view that has the harsh and heavy dark nightworld we find in the best Noirs.
Heck, it seems that's often the Noir subtext: one wrong step and you leave the golden world and end up in the dark....- 5/31/2008 07:52:00 PM
- djomg said...
So true... The best stories/films in that style are always about "accidents"; mild mistakes that turn deadly, or a chance meeting with disastrous consequences...
Your best intentions become the means to your end.
That may be the best way to describe "Noir" style:
The confluence of light and dark, visually and thematically, and what lurks unseen taints the beauty of the visible.
More First Things
At the bottom of the page is a link to "older posts" that'll take you to my first posts, or there is a link (idea archive) on the right side of the page, the bottom entry "the basics" being the first.
Feel free to leave as many devastating comments (that prove this is a terrible idea) as you can!
Thanks for visiting.
The music is cool no matter what you say.
Level Playing Field
One thing I think Blizzard does well is flesh out the racial motivations for progressing through the game.
Case in Point: The Undead race has escaped the control of the Lich King, and they are basically trying freedom on for size, and demanding their own legitimacy. Well, this is a good noble motivation.
But from the Human side, the undead are infecting the land and need to be destroyed.
So these conflicting motivations (are supposed to) drive the actions of each.
Either way though, you start out killing 8 of x, then collecting 4 of x, etc.
In my noir mmo, this could be fleshed out as well. If you started as a Chinese male, there would be the motivation of actually owning your own property (since they weren't allowed in many places in the 30's/40's), but if you progressed enough in the game you would be able to get into real estate.
Essentially, I would like to take realities from the era and tweak them to fit a racial quest line. If we were to balance it right, there would be ample reason to choose to be Chinese despite being unable to own property from the beginning.
Granted evolving morality will not let us tackle certain realities from the era. The overt racism, terms like "chink", "nigger", "spic", etc. were common place, and didn't generate the pained flinch it does now.
There is an Irish character in GTA who says "niggers" at one point, and my flinching made me miss half of what he said. I know that people say the word, and racism is still a big problem, but it's encouraging to know that to me the "n" word seems out of place.
The other option would be to make this a Mature rated game, and deal with it. It would give us a bit more freedom in creating the hard-boiled story lines. From a creator's perspective, of course I would prefer this. But what about the children?? Oh yeah, because soooo many kids wanna be Marlowe these days....
The Goldilocks place for this mmo would be a viable business at around 100,000 people playing.
ok, if 100k people payed $15/mo, that would be $18 mil a year. If they payed $50 for the game in the first place, that's another $5 mil.
So could this game get made for $23 mil?
Would 100,000 people really want to play it?
What would level the playing field for small business MMO's like I'm suggesting?
The Diplomatic Route
But one thing I really liked about the now NMMO (not massive multi-player online) game Vanguard, was the Diplomacy mini game. Granted it was done with cards (kinda lame) but the concept of including the tactical art of diplomacy is a good idea. And I think it should be in my noir mmo.
You could try to convince me otherwise, but you would need +5 speechcraft.
1) An "Acronym Key" on the right that will help non-mmo folks with common terms.
2) And you may hear the music from the proper era... should help you get in the mood.
more additions slowly coming, so stay tuned out there in blog-land!
Nouns and Verbs
Lets start with items:
Clearly we would need to plumb the depths of 30's & 40's fashion which many have to make movies like L.A. Confidential, etc.
There would be Fedoras, Dungarees, Overalls, Pinafores, Jumpers, Cami Knickers, Mackintosh, Frocks, etc...
As well as various shoes and boots ... Jackets, and Formal wear.
But here's a cool thing: People in the 30's bought "Patterns" for clothes (my dad actually made us winter jackets from these patterns while we were living in Alaska), which are rice paper-like thin sheets with dotted lines detailing where the fabric should be stitched, and little marks for inserting pins.
This continued into the 40's because of war rationing. Unlike today (despite being in a war), people were encouraged to repair their clothing, not continue to spend freely.
Now we've got Tailoring as an historically apropos profession, and one that spans the 2 decades.
These Patterns ("recipes" in WoW) can be bought and sold, learned by tailors, etc.
But I think it would be cool to have non-tailors be able to learn low-level patterns not unlike how the "First-Aid, Cooking, and Fishing" professions are implemented in WoW.
Tailors, on the other hand, could em beau their creations with added benefit to the wearer: Shoes with increased Speed, Fedora with increased Diplomacy, Overcoat with added intimidation.
Other items would of course include weapons.
Pistols: Derringers, old Peacemakers, pocket model Smith & Wesson .22, and many more...
Shotgun: yes, they had sawed-off shotguns then, and lighter models like the 4-10.
Rifles: Remington, Winchester, etc.
So Gun-smith should be a playable profession.
But here's where it could get real interesting: In the war years, people often remember seeing trucks loaded with anti-aircraft guns and other large-caliber stationary munitions traveling through town.
I can picture a mob related mission to steal one of these things and use it to take out a rival's hide-out, or yacht...
Other items: books, magazines, newspapers, cigars, cigarettes, pocket-watches, monocles, wrist watches, rings, suspenders, cuff links, ties, eye glasses. And each of these things can be "enchanted" to boost a players abilities.
Other thoughts?
Class Struggle
It seems Bucky came to the attention of the police force because he'd been a prize fighter and done pretty well, well enough to get noticed, anyway.
So I'm thinking there could be 2 paths into the police class:
1) You take some performance test (starting at lvl whatever) to enter the academy, then progress normally doing low level police missions ("quests" seems like the wrong word), until you gain faction and promotions, etc.
2) You gain faction via a Boxing PvP (Player verses Player) arena. You have to perform at a certain level, like x amount of wins, or x global ranking before you are approached by a police rep who wants you to join the force at an elevated level.
Whether to weather the storm
I'm sure WoW has better weather then what can run on my system...
Today here in CA there was a tornado, rain, and lightning ... and it made me think about how weather has played a role in movies... BESIDES the crappy love stories at the end of the 2nd act when she leaves to go back to her old tobacco-chewing boyfriend who doesn't really love her....
See in old detective movies there might be a little rain when we're supposed to be puzzled... like we're a little out of our element or caught off-guard (or as an excuse to share a paper cup of rye with the hot bookseller chick across the street - who looks great with glasses too - while staking out the underground stag shop).
All this to say, there should be hot bookseller chicks in my noir MMO.
The Race Card
American Indian
So the touchiest subject could be race. Here's why:
You can make an orc be stronger than an elf because neither exist, and there won't be an offended party.
But you do an MMORPG with real races...what do you do?
Chinese get a +3 agility?
Blacks get +3 badassery?
Whites a +3 winning smile?
It's a real problem, especially because if realism is what you're going for, you failed because Chinese people aren't genetically more agile than American Indians, etc...
So you start everybody at the same ability level.
Maybe you gain abilities depending on your play style. Is this possible? If you're a "bust down the door & start shooting" kind of player, your stats build more strength and stamina, and if you're a "sneak around back & cold-cock 'em" type player, your stats build agility, subtlety... that could be cool.
One of the cool things you can do in Star Wars Galaxies is become mayor of a player-created city.
I love that idea, but in America in the 1940's it was pretty damn rare (if it happened at all) that a black man (not to mention woman) could be mayor of a huge city like LA.
Should the game be adjusted to be fair?
Or do we make a mature-rated MMO?
Those don't seem to fly too well.
A Touch of Class
Ok so the classes in My Noir MMO could very well be:
Detective (of course)
-Police (Ranked)
Deputy DA, etc.
-Mob (Ranked)
Errand Boy/Girl—the Don
-Merchant (Ranked)
Street—Large Corp manager
- Movie personnel (Ranked)
Key grip—Mogul
-Newspaper Personnel (Ranked)
Or maybe these are just professions one can choose and there is another "Class" distinction....
I don't know.
Let me count the ways...
- talent system
- detailed lore
- balanced leveling system
- tongue-in-cheek approach
- limited professions
probably much more....
I think these could translate to the Noir universe quite easily.
* I should be clear: I don't have any technical programming knowledge, so when I say something stupid like "this could be done easily", I only mean conceptually. I can't even fathom the immense amount of work Blizzard coded...just so we're on the same page.
Limiting aspects of WoW:
- very limited customization
- no residence ownership
- Very little creative input from players (recipes are static and cannot be altered). For example, even if you have the recipe for "Blue Linen Shirt" which calls for linen cloth, course thread and blue dye, you cannot make a "Red Linen Shirt" by simply buying red dye. You have to have the recipe for "Red Linen Shirt". A little more experimentation would instill greater ownership.
btw, low level stealth for the rogue class sucks.
First things First
The point is I need a name, and clearly it shouldn't have the word "noir" in it.
Ok, the history of the word begins in the 50's in France (hence the french word...yeah), with writers like Jean-Luc Godard and François Truffaut who weren't filmmakers yet, just brilliant journos. This is their description of an American Cult film that was NOT a genre. Odd, but true. Probably is now, I guess.
So the entire scene requires/is defined by an outside perspective. Interesting. Something we'll revisit.
The Basics
That said, I don't give a crap. My hope is that anyone who reads this blog will think this could be a great idea as well. We'll see...
Southern California in the 30's and 40's was a story factory. Not only did a whole lot of crazy shit happen, but there were people paid to write about it, embellish it, and sell it. This was the first taste of candy to the baby... and Hollywood was the center of that universe.
Now, to get in the proper mood I suggest watching The Big Sleep. Very important.
Both versions: 1945 and 1946.
The '45 version for the extra scenes with the DA (not Bacall's caught-in-the-net face wrap), and the '46 version, to see the changes (including removal of the infamous fishnet face wrap). And you should watch The Maltese Falcon.
>> I will have a section dedicated to listing cool noir-ish stuff to keep you inspired as we go along.
I will try to relate my ideas in terms current MMOs use (i.e. talent tree, xp, etc). I may over explain things a bit, because of my own lack of knowledge, and the fact that most people I point to this site won't be lvl 70 warlocks with 4 billion hp.
So that's it for the first post. I'll be back with more posts that are actually about the game.